God of War Ragnarok is a Bad Game

 it's about time oh wait wait tell me about the boy i've been waiting for this is why you're not from here from my family hey bro get [ __ ] off me fat [ __ ] where are we going where are we going why did you do that let's say no well we could have thought about it you don't even care show me this god killer oh you wanna see it ok you wanna see it yo you move slow man yo yo you meet me there boy my insult you me just oh wait ok so you can't see the block ok ok Parry These hoes bro don't i didn't either yeah i don't want to make a deal either bro ok so so thor thor is a bit belligerent to say the at least okay let me just build this real quick ok well i thought i earned it oh i was still playing it so yeah oh give it to me come on give it oh damn so how did they hear about the smartest ghost is your skin oh no thats not cool cool i was worried for a sec i want to beat your ass but not like that its kinda disgusting its fine and uh who needs this alright that was bai it was bait alright throw her a boy throw a boy please please oh my gosh you're hurting my feelings alright alright come back oh alright alright hey hey the sun is getting a little low and big i need you you should calm down ok ok this is just light strokes light strokes light strokes i should be better look at hell ok im loosing my fault my fault i thought it was my hood ok got it I don't know if I can do it with just the amount of health I have left I'm really giving it an honest try here oh my god Perry memory memory memory memory memory memories memories brother your sons your son it just wasn't my boyfriend sorry break it a no need i don't remember bro ok so he's implying i'm holding back but but is he too then oh ok now ain't damned he did all this oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] you don't don't matter of the great saint [ _ _ ] sorry for your statute that was me tear let him shut up oh my fault ok could throw it now it's good to know oh what does this foul mean oh that was

i know if i can do it with only the amount of health i have left i will really honestly try here oh my gosh perry memory memory memory memory remember brother your children your son was not my boy i am sorry to tell you, i don't need to remember brother, okay, so he's implying that I'm holding back, but so is he then oh okay now he's not the damned one who did all this oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] you don't care about the great saints [ __ ] sorry for your statute that was me tear let him shut up oh my fault okay might throw it now it's good to know oh what it does oh it was good i can do it again okay you know what i'll try oh [ __ ] first ouch oh come on brother blake please for please okay i didn't kill a panther my feelings i killed a pantheon because they lied to me you have to play first god in war first second and third out of war games i'm really a cult classic bro like this i know the firstit was called God of War of this new trilogy or is it quadruple Leaf bro there are four games right is it quadruply one thing wait let me do this real quick whoa get it okay back to this yeah oh damn my body is very extensive though hold this hold that hold this i think is funny kratos talking about his son he hit first was like a way of saying i don't know its not his fault or something oh sure it seems to be packed more than a come here yeah mielma he's hitting more of my ax brother oh we're both destroyers are you saying ok out oh [ __ ] i'm dead i think i'm dead wait oh no no i say when we're done yeah it brought me back to life true true fighting brother absolutely he's on it oh my god i say when we're done okay okay get him please okay okay okay we can we can kill him i don't know how to dodge that's the only thing

ok, so tldr from this long speech of a guy on his way home, it seems like we had some protection around our house to prevent odin and thus anyone else from stopping by our house, but i think when altreus went crazy he wrote the protection we have so Odin and Thor pulled on us like that like they did at home anyway now I don't even know if Walters is still here with him as Loki I know Odin will get him at some point because that's just what he's supposed to happening right it happened now uh he's gone but he's on the cover of the game so we'll get him soon if not the head is here oh and the guys here i was going to look for you oh something is wrong is you it's normal it's normal the odin the he just dabbed and left for sure to pay the roof and uh he invited me to asgard and thats where i couldnt hear once he came out ah i told him no of course i can trust you thats what i am asking the good Kratos does the l body language is giving me little search for two if I told you I was looking for it you said don't then you found out the truth ok we know me too I wanted to tell you I really did but now that you know there's it's something you should see don't trust me you want it i broke my trust let me show you what i found

how do you know how do you know you told them more come in and punch holes in our house anytime they want theres only one way to get them off us oh lord okay give it to him bro its sad im a sucker for this bro please Kratos yes let's go on an adventure here hello what is he doing oh oh come on go go W dad W dad uh now we're just picking up [ __ ] randomly we customized our gear a bit we have uh we can customize weapons too now and now we're looking for the level and we can use our fiery chaos light branches light branches light branches it reminds me brother it reminds me I really wish these blades didn't look totally boring and beat the [ __ ] again I did a lot of work but make these girls look nice the other game one is still alive what is it that looks awesome dude yeah whatever i'm doing this is like not missing at all bro all the achievements oh what oh okay up this they lost what [ __ ] was something strong and dangerous brother guard oh yeah who's the demon what do you know what it is you came here alone on your lonely i'm trying to see the oh [ __ ] stop okay wait wait how do i get it back using my ax bro i need to figure it out oh i figure it out i died because the one thing that really stuck with me with war god combat at least the newest version not the hack and slash is how could i just easily switch between the chaos blades to the ax and everything feels smooth bro i love it oh we're sticking together oh whoa whoa man okay that didn't work okay switch to blades i don't think blades are strong i know right i feel like i always found myself using the ax more, though i'm not entirely sure why it looks the same damage, stop it oh okay okay wait guys guys guys you need to relax oh

I'm dead uh what is this oh damn I'm crazy wait put that back [__] hey wait put it back I'll just put this obvious prediction out there other us will get evil at some point and I think 'we'll mostly see it in this game we saw it a little bit in the other but Loki is a [__] brother what Whiplash oh how how the ax has this oh that's okay for me now I can fit so finish in the next power up okay guess I'll do it again I have to do it again oh i like that it was kind of a hot stop oh i got the counter baby thing i didn't even know i had it you are doing a lot friend hold on wait all right you want to play with me very fast ah alright you can play with me very fast oh where did you come there no wait wait wait what was that [__] whoa whoa whoa bro who did it who the [__] is talking to me in Pokemon hey hey I'll try yes the slayer I'll do [__] keep waiting waiting on this thing in r eality looks a little cool brother alright alright r alright alright alright Broken shield oh I don't have a shield I forgot it oh damn I missed that thing man uh ok I'm just dodging just dodging just this this doesn't work too against me using my blades like this gives me good reach uh but the thing is keep playing bro hold still hold this whatever the hip for a horse ok i think the ax has a little more damage than the fire of chaos oh but but i'm doing more damage for me ok i saw you take this what he's doing ok ok please please oh come on come on come on go come on go this is Mike do what could do it yo boy shoot you missed every shot at what need the arrow if you ain't aiming well oh oh ok ok ok ok so far so good don't keep up don't stand in front of her die let's go come here come here come here boy show boy oh I am [__] you yay yay oh it was a bit brutal it is it was very brutal sorry well at least it was quick give me this give me this give me this do you remember all those shrines we found telling tales of giants oh is talking about those few left to be their origins there are many in the first game right would be theirs fakes yes ok we found a lot i saw exactly what your point is boy more than we understand oh so it's not

showing me a tear but he'll show me another pic one of those things bruh hi ok maybe i didn't do it right oh oh i'm holding back from troubleshooting kinda go burr now wait a minute alright sorry about that sometimes my brain don't process this fame Speed ​​is everyone else's brain cause I'm a little dumb I came with my mother's feet first cause it's Tony Hawk numbers grinding as I step out on my head the brain a little smooth oh thats the yeah i remember this yeah you open this and the head i think it was telling the story or boy i dont remember which there were some of these we had to pick up and you know what i dont know what this says youre looking at i guess well who the [ __ ] he said you could do it you're lonely you got all these secrets now i don't know if i can trust you man when you didn't even tell us about that well it's new bro see this is Loki bro the cheater who lies all that r oba man we didn't know about this we did Kratos co me at wait yeah it's too late bro it's his show we are visitors right now just ask questions and wait your turn to talk i don't know if this is heaven or not but looked damn close like it's worse here yeah hobby Only somewhere The giants were meant to see these signs tell their stories to the world but it turns out the true stories the secret stories the ones that kept the wolf in here The giants Odin captured them because he thinks it will help him control when ragnarok starts i remember its not like that the whole story i dont see this shows the giant skull set and how to be free they are free oh ok this is the past or future pens when you look at it oh its like a giant It's Assassin's Creed wolves are safe somewhere in Vanna hunting look ordinary first place look pause the thing Chasing the sun Moon what the moon is stolen who got the moon somehow atreus see cradle sit down got nothing for chase and they say celestial theft is a victimless crime hmm that's a lot i'm sure who it is but someone come along and save the moon it's me the moon blocks the only I have not seen one of those out of a hundred it was fine

my eclipse happens chasing the thing the arrow you shoot the arrow i saw in the trailer and then i got lost because all this has to do we are coming to that brother this is they are screwing up right now i think look here is ragnarok ok see who is leading the armies against odin no it's tears tears it means he must be alive right i'm here it may be odin he told me he killed Tia and he trusted me in that moment or so i thought what if he didn't kill him and if he had locked him up some more all this time we're back in IFS enough bro just wait listen oh wait potatoes i got one more thing to show you it's just out here please Kratos listen boy bro why all this [ __ ] this is no small feat this is a lot to take in we can't just run fast like we did to odin and thor is your boy bruh like please what is this all i have tr ovato well almost everything ok what is that is that ball you had in your room before craft giant fast oh you been to jordan house again no i found it in one of the other shrines oh exactly how many did you visit i well all brother not i can trust you everyone i could still reach in midgard anyway you are doing too much i don't know what it is but it matters just like all of this what is it when i was inside one of the shrines i saw a picture of a trapped tear but i wouldn't know tell where brother there are clues inside the other shrines you mentioned black smoke and bloody earth i dont know what that means but we could never figure out exactly us oh [ __ ] yeah ages they are helping me the other twin i spoke to not it was his idea i just needed someone to watch my back you're smart bro how please i can't trust them but we have to he's our son like smoke see jail you rrestre is beefy yes i'm probably working together no presence to speak of in the primeval realms but they're bleeding sounds like an eye to me dwarf realm maybe famous sparkle their minds were bouncing smo black ke and the audience kept their thumbs on the dwarves for a long time time and now let's start yo W Kratos tearsen photo find somewhere imprisoned in a mine so what now let's go let's go we can rip my boy let's go oh cradle bite


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