I Lost All My Friends Playing

 but you can choose voice one to be female or male there is a new voice without a voice I can't not know what it means we can choose setter one Irish you have to say I haven't played your cards [__] really yes me for [__] sake one more plus four I might owl dusty owl who is this oh man if we lose the AI ​​do something jack oh god I turn it over you think he has another you know I don't want the responsibility that the AI ​​wins even though I blame you heard it you know not everyone agrees here it's not fair enough it will never come close damn I'm a good guy if they keep doing it now just because they wouldn't the last doesn't mean you should stop me all and win again goes well but gloating for you waiting for me to slide to shoot you before I even take a step I'm jumping it anyway ah keep jumping he has a green green is what he has to change the purple or something like that nothing people are my who acchiere pointing out that it is a dusty AIA and it is in fact i have not changed the rules because the rules i am not winning well it is just me and a moon here play you can click on the character jump in or press the number that shows oh it got me bad oh I don't want your fucking shit you traded his carrots err Kevin you could use a little more okay oh God I need lights like a [__] pig who knows what's no one near a [__] you Luna we can all agree that as long as one of us wins, the AI ​​doesn't and this is good murder oh why did I do it to change to would have to pick a better color Kevin that really works oh my god the alpha deck is none other than oh my god it's just stacks i forgot how many cards there are in this really you don't have greens mix well yeah 27:20 hey life is all reborn oh wait oh he's gone and just catch up oh no he's gone we lost them wait I'm no longer in the game no a The pudding has taken your place the game is frozen but maybe we should stop i think these games will never end anyway i'm almost there i'm down but we'll see if you can catch it cuz you're there you're almost there oh here go on yet another one there go there go all the change Kurds look so bubbly oh they look different I can only see your cards what's going on [__] Oh god so they turn around oh god me

i have 11 cards and i don't know what any of them do what are you doing i don't know what i did so sigh yes it will stop it i wasn't able you won or did you just accidentally fall to first place is it more also someone who likes it just like i hate it i'm dying guys you'll probably be better off just have a sweet laugh don't you think it's a blue you don't need to get something good here it works nice shot oh heart of the cards here you go take that beauty i got this i don't know what it does says random action oh my god what the hell oh jesus what does this card do the explanation clears it up and i want a mystery listen and see what happens i like how obnoxious yes let's try again yes why not it has different music it does it's vibe boffin what do you sound like you know do this at the club oh take mine actually don't take mine i know you have a little jitters i'll take those if you don't mind you can lose 'em all again i can keep 'em waiting i got you two blues right yeah i think not n can you do it yeah you fine oh i can play green cause i don't care wait alright he's got green so do something [ __ ] we know its good for you you have my cards the whole Shawn you have you don't like an ass everything's gone to steal my day is ruined i wish kevin a crime [ __ ] i thought it would be worse to be honest i crashed or something seems to be the way it goes is what you know i want to apologize oh i'd be useless in the game show they say get the mystery box everyone ok let's go to the basics get that guy who really wasn't at this game usually the side is almost winning most of the time oh what the extra cards do to you just to be like [ __ ] you having a nice deck i can use on no stick like that skillful now let me show you a little more look at me fuck bob if you're watching you scream i'm sorry it doesn't matter oh no why did i do it you all d OK, I tell you u three nights oh jesus christ what is daddy kevin giving us today o sit next to daddy please daddy yeah daddy oh that's such a nice bunch daddy yeah daddy yeah daddy yeah

Dad yes daddy my sweatshirt is off cuz i lost when i play striptease you know so put the sweatshirt back on why don't you click it before the carriage plays I'm testing if it's great oh my god take off your clothes you know when you pick up the cards step back there go Kevin is wearing a suit [__] Eskimo out there alright the Sox are getting off the flight yes you have a lot of rules here 7 0 jump in no Bluff and draw to match this is the best way to play a lot of fun and we are also making teams Oh teams you are with me oh so i can see your car yes you are with you are with the person in front of you watch this play oh it was a good play now i give you that no i am doing what i can and you know i know what to play next to a man stop them don't know what's going on [__] oh no don't tackle go there once i can win they can win they have a matching card what i'm looking for here dan see plan here i think so uh then i can c yes i can get a stra tegy i dont know i like to draw ah yes looked disappointed when i was dying i think i could be terrible at this but guide me ok alright you are just learning the numbers see this is a yellow six and that is the way if i'm kevin okay so I don't have to think about that awesome exactly so you're not that stupid give me that oh no oh and then oh it's very nice oh has 100 [__] all of us in the disco ball I'd love your hand Kevin good thing I didn't say anyone You guys see it's all a brilliant plan oh yeah great they traded with me I'm doing put the knife in your chest and spin it see what you're doing and then put it down and then we win this is what it's like to play with oh my god fail yes you keep fishing where you checked see it worked pretty well I don't like this garment if I imagine your turn ties until you get a tie Plus until you get a 4 no I can [__] make a good seven with me s ì Gophers can focus on not letting him play I feel so intimidated and

drop this [ __ ] I'm getting a new team the other Irish don't trust them you're doing great I mean you're gonna win man see I wouldn't have pitched if you'd only cheered me on more like this


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