Immortals Fenyx Rising Could Be The Best Ubisoft Game In A Decade - Luke Stephens

the lasting flaw in most ubisoft games of the last few generations has been a trend towards repetitive content year after year they seem to rely on what's already established rather than what's new and new by far have proven to be one of the most

frustrating game developers on the scene today mainly thanks to this complacency have also demonstrated their ability to innovate in a select

few versions where they showed their imaginative abilities, namely Assassin's Creed Origins from 2017 and far cry 3 from 2012 to name two, which obviously makes their lack of ambition nowadays even more frustrating than far cry 3 pushed the narrative envelope beyond what anyone believed was possible at the moment is easy to forget, but vos and all of his antics were beyond anything we have seen before even today he is commonly ranked as one of the best villains of all time at least in the video game space, plus the storytelling of a first person perspective when coupled with the darker topic made 3 cry one of the most memorable experiences many gamers have had in the last decade, I know at least that's how it is for me

Regarding the origins of Assassin's Creed in 2017, it's important to point out how big this departure was from previous Assassin's Creed games

Assassin's creed prior to this title was known for large open worlds which usually centered around a single city and small maps or satellite levels in the

the immediate area adds to that a clunky combat system based on basic attacks and parry systems, an often twisted and twisted story and a good number of technical issues to boot and you had a typical Assassin's Creed flagship title, but when the origins emerged on the scene we saw something very different

not only was the game graphically impressive and highly refined, it also featured a game map built to emulate the entire country of Egypt

literally a whole country beyond this in my opinion, the vast and expansive map featured some of the most unique side missions and memorable missions

october 2019 after being developed by ubisoft paris there is no other way to explain it other than the following the game was broken name any kind of bug
and there was probably the name of any kind of exorbitant monetization scheme and there was probably the name of any triple game development trope for an online tactical shooter and there was probably the backlash they received at the launch of this game was different from anything they had ever seen before or after the hype led to the relegation of several managers, the restructuring of entire teams and the delays of all the aaa titles that ubisoft should have
release between late 2019 and early 2020. now here i really feel we should take a second and applaud ubisoft for this choice, they didn't have to delay everything in their lineup even though it seems like it was the only reasonable thing to do , but still the choice to delay these games and give the development studios the time to perfect and prepare these games for launch was the correct decision and we should applaud it because nowadays it is quite rare, however after all this I am I am wondering whether or not it would be enough, after all, most of these games that have been delayed
was in development for years before this delay what effect would these games actually have would they still have predatory gaming markets these games would still be built with the same copy and paste content devoid of any kind of creative zeal well i resigned myself to conclusion that I would have to wait and see probably until the games launch, but it is at this point that I can reveal that I am very lucky to have been invited to several ubisoft preview events, one of the preview events was for an upcoming game which is a new ip for ubisoft this game was originally and initially seen as a knockoff of a myriad of titles seemed to be the embodiment of everything wrong with ubisoft's copy and paste content playing it safe instead of taking risks and doing something differently the graphics of this game were not very flashy the story was dark and the name was unnecessarily cont ortho yet it proved an impressive presentation of ubisoft's greatest capabilities ties in many ways a complete rebuke of all the aforementioned infatuating tropes

games sue me, i know it's bizarre to see a gaming youtuber who can speak positively about things nowadays, but i won't apologize for enjoying it
what I am seeing are quality titles rather I want you to understand that I don't compliment things lightly for example I really wanted to enjoy Ghost of Tsushima but after spending about 10 plus hours with the game agonizing over my lack of enjoyment I finally decided the conclusion that the right game
it wasn't for me, but instead of making videos trying to debunk or criticize it, I decided to just stay mum on the subject if someone asks me during a live
stream what i think about the game by the way i will tell them honestly if you want to be notified when i go live be sure to hit the subscribe button and ring the bell so you will be notified of the next time i go live here on youtube , having said that, I will tell them honestly that I just don't understand, I won't pretend to hate or enjoy something just for the clicks Ghost of Tsushima received a great deal of praise at launch praise that I'm sure it earned and I'm not putting questioned the motivations of those who spoke positively about the game, what I'm saying is that it would have been very easy for me to pretend that I liked the game because it would have been good for the channel to make a lot of videos reacting very positively
however that would have been a lie i don't understand the game it doesn't click with me i don't find it funny i find it vastly disappointing so for me to pretend i did something amazing would be untrue and i owe it to you the viewer more than that all this to say i honestly think what immortals
Phoenix Rising may very well be the best game ubisoft has released in the last decade and I honestly think I can justify even this gigantic claim
of course i'm limited to some extent because i'm not able to share with you everything i saw in the preview ubisoft naturally ask the reviewers and
people being granted access to demos to hide certain information to avoid spoilers something i think is totally fair that said i am

i will do my best to argue my point with these limiting constraints i have three main points i am allowed to share and explain writing tone and world design to get started with writing this game is pretty darn fun in almost every single conversation i have i had over the four hours of playing there were jokes and jokes that really made me laugh out loud its really easy for these games to turn into a creepy fest when they try to be funny but in this case i can really safely say i have found these characters endearing and hilarious in a simple way that made them seem like more

game this team and zelda legend Breath of the wild worked on and you get a game that could turn out to be one of the best open world exploration titles ever made and I know that's a noble claim and why I admit it you should know that not I make this statement lightly
I honestly and sincerely believe this game could be and probably is something special, but this takes us into the world of design, see one of the reasons I feel I can make this announcement with such confidence is because the game really mixes the best parts of Breath of the Wild and the best parts of Assassin's Creed Odyssey takes nods from the art style, dungeon layouts and shrine structure and even the eye-catching expansive map of Breath of the Wild and takes all these things and combines them with the size and complexity of the world of assassin's creed odyssey, a simple example would be that in assassin's creed at least from the beginning you can climb anything any surface any terrain anything this was also true in the breath of nature you could climb anything you wanted except the walls in most sanctuaries and divine beasts said that if you wanted to climb a roccio surface knows, for example, you just simply did that you climbed it, it didn't matter how the rock s laid out or necessarily what the angle of the cliff was as long as the material was right and you have enough stamina to be able to climb it in the immortal phoenix rising ubisoft has implemented the same free running and free climbing system that
they used in Assassin's Creed odyssey although somewhat altered to work in this art style, the most important thing about this difference is that ubisoft's free climbing system is based on the placement of contextual objects while the free climbing system legend Breath of the wild is primarily based on materials combined with the weather that strikes them, and while it may not seem like a major difference, it actually has an incredible impact on how the
the player explores the world when everything is based on objects, you start looking at the geometry of the cliff, the surfaces of the trees and even

buildings you hope to reach on top, you have to evaluate the shapes, sizes and layout of these structures before tackling them and it is for this reason that it seems to me that the free climbing system of the immortal Phoenix Rising is actually an advantage over the wild breath but all this just to say that I think there is reason to be very excited about this game, I can talk at length about the various systems, mechanisms, lines of research or a host of other elements that
I'm impressed when it comes to a certain game, but in the end it doesn't mean much, especially considering it's preview events where the developers are trying their best they are trying to impress us so I don't think you should take this video as reason to buy
in excessive hype and endless speculation, but rather I think you should take it as a starting point for intrigue for a major game release that is coming very soon for many people this game has flown completely under the radar and I think it's mainly because ubisoft it has a very stacked release schedule this
year thanks to all those delays above, but I think it's important not to ignore this game simply because so much of the attention is
being devoured by cyberpunk right now there are loads of great games coming out in the coming weeks and months it's okay to be excited for more than
one and I think it's important to praise new IPs from studios known to have relied on their past successes, so don't take it as a complete endorsement but rather as a recommendation to keep an eye on this game, I really believe it will be something special but that's it for me
if you liked this video show your support by pressing the like button and subscribing it really helps but after saying all this thank you for watching I love you more than you can imagine and see you in the next vi


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